What is an ambassador campaign and how to create such a campaign?

An ambassador campaign, as the name implies, is a campaign led by individuals representing your charity, known as ambassadors. These ambassadors can include employees, volunteers, board members and anyone who shares a meaningful connection to your charity.

Due to their deep commitment to the charity, ambassadors are more likely to be motivated to solicit donations. However, in this case, instead of asking them to promote a generic campaign, they will focus on individualized efforts within the overarching campaign.

What distinguishes this campaign as personal?

Ambassadors have the option to incorporate a photo of themselves and share a personal narrative. This approach fosters a deeper connection between the ambassador and the campaign, while also strengthening their ties to their respective communities.

Creating Ambassador Campaign

To start an ambassador campaign, you'll first need to create a standard campaign that will serve as the primary campaign within your ambassador initiative. (Click here for a guide on creating a campaign.)

Then check the option called "Peer to Peer", and click on the save button.

And you are done! The campaign is now an ambassador campaign, all that remains is to add the ambassadors themselves.

Adding Ambassadors

Please pay attention! If you're planning to create teams, we suggest creating the teams prior to adding ambassadors. This is because ambassadors draw information from the teams they are associated with. 
to create a teams click on the 'Manage Ambassadors' button on the right side of the table, you will reach a window where you can add a Team,
Click on the Team tab and on the Add new button on the right

  • To add ambassadors, navigate to the 'Campaigns' tab and search for the campaign to which you want to add ambassadors.
  • Once you've located it, click on the 'Manage Ambassadors' button on the right side of the table.

  • After clicking on 'Manage Ambassadors,' you will be directed to a window where you can add and edit ambassadors.

  • There are two methods to add ambassadors: either by adding them individually or by importing a large file of ambassadors

    First option - adding individual ambassadors

    To add individual ambassadors, click on the Add new button at the right of the page.

    Now a window will open in which you will have to enter the ambassador's information. Here is a picture with an explanation of filling in the details, the red marks mandatory fields and the blue marks optional fields:

*Add to a Team- in addition to ambassadors, it is possible to create teams of ambassadors, ambassadors can also be assigned to groups at a later stage.

*If the ambassador does not have an email address, a fictitious address can be entered (for example a@b.com). But pay attention! If you enter a fictitious address, the ambassador's page link will not be sent to the ambassador, and you will have to send it manually.

After you have entered all the relevant details, click on send for confirmation. After the ambassador receives approval (the approval is automatic and there is no need to wait).

Second option - import a large file of ambassadors

If it is a large number of ambassadors, it is possible to upload an Excel file for importing a quantity of ambassadors.

  • To import a large file of ambassadors, click on the import button on the upper right side of the page.
  • Then follow the instructions on the page and upload the relevant file by dragging the file to the marked window, or clicking on select file.

    pay attention! As soon as you upload the file, the system will start generating the ambassadors automatically without any additional approvals or buttons, so check the file carefully before you upload it.

Important Information!

The system draws the content and media that will be in your ambassadors' campaigns from the main campaign you uploaded. If you are interested in unique content or media for ambassadors, you can always edit the ambassadors' pages by clicking the edit button to the left of the ambassador's name in the table on the ambassador's campaign page.


In addition to ambassadors, it is also possible to create teams of ambassadors - click here for a guide

If you encountered any problem, we will be happy to help with any problem and answer any question by emailing support@jgive.com

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