Can I view my donation data in an easy, centralized way on the platform?

Of course! That's why we developed a dashboard for you, found in the donor's personal area. 

To get to the dashboard, you must first login to your personal area on the platform by clicking on login on the main page.

Login to your personal JGive user with your email and password.

If you don't have an account - click here to register

(For the registration guide - click here). 

Once you've logged in, click on My Account, then click on My Personal Account.

Now, the system will take you directly to the dashboard. In the upper part you can view the following data:

  • Total Deposits 
  • Total Grant Amounts
  • Number of Grants

Missing something?  

It is possible that some of the donations you made were made when you were not connected to your personal account, so these donations do not appear in the data summary. If the donations were made using the same email address associated with your personal account, you can add them to the account easily by clicking the Claim Donations button in the dashboard area.

If the button does not exist, the donations were most likely made using a different email address and there is no way to associate them with the same account.

In the lower part of the dashboard, you can view your donation history by filtering dates and download their receipts. 

You will also be able to receive centralized information about recurring payments you have made.

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