As of April 1, 2022, you can donate through us to any of the thousands of charities in Israel that are recognized for tax purposes and hold a proper management certificate, even if they are not registered in JGive.
In the past, to donate to an unregistered charity, you had to visit a dedicated link. not anymore!
Now, you can donate to an unregistered charity just like you would to a registered charity.
Simply use the search bar to look for the charity you wish to support.
Once you find it, click on its name in the search results to access its donations page. From there, you can proceed to donate as usual, similar to a registered charity.
If you can't find the charity you want to donate to, it might be because the charity lacks certain certifications, such as a proper management certificate and certificate 46).
You can verify this on the Guidestar website.
For instance, a charity without the necessary credentials will not appear on our platform, as shown on the Guidestar website that the charity doesn't have the confirmation
It's advisable to check the charity's credentials on the Guidestar website before proceeding to save yourself time. If you encounter any issues or have questions, feel free to reach out to us at
Once you've found and donated to the charity, that's fantastic! After the donation, the charity will receive an email notification with an online link. They need to fill out this link for us to transfer the donation to them. Once they complete the form, we'll ensure the donation reaches its destination promptly.