Centralized Information on Donations and Donors for the Charity

In short, to access a comprehensive report on all received donations, simply click the arrow  button located on the right side of the screen within the data area.

How can I access information about donations and donors for the charity?
On the JGive website, you have two primary methods for accessing this data:

Donations Page:

Navigate to this page to view general information about the donations.
Download copies of receipts directly from this page for your records.

Generate Donation Table on Data Page:

Utilize the donation table on the data page to obtain a detailed and accurate overview of all donation-related data.
This method provides the most comprehensive information about the donations received.

Viewing the Donations page

1. Access the charity area by navigating to "My Account" and selecting your charity's name.

2. Click on the "Donations" page located on the right side of the screen.

On the donations page, you can explore general data about donations and donors to the charity, including information such as the donation date, donor name, donation amount, and more.

If needed, you have the option to edit the target, endowment, or share details of the donations. Additionally, you can access further data related to your monthly donations by visiting the 'Recurring Donations' tab at the top of the page.

Furthermore, you can download copies of receipts by clicking on the right-side arrow button next to each donation and selecting the "Receipt File" button. The arrow button also provides access to the donor's email address, payment method details, and if its monthly donations, you can see specific information about the monthly donations.

*Important Note: Do not utilize the email address of donors without their explicit consent. You can check whether donors have agreed to be contacted by referring to the "Donor Share Info" column in the donation table.

Donations Table
1. Access the charity area by navigating to "My Account" and selecting your charity's name.

2. In the "Analytics" section, you can explore the overall segmentation of donations received for the charity or within a specific campaign defined by the charity:

3. Please be aware that you have the option to download a comprehensive Excel table containing detailed information about the campaign you wish to review. You can refine the data by searching for the campaign name, currency, payment method, and specific dates.

*Alternatively, you can access campaign details through the "Campaigns" button, followed by the "Analytics" button. This allows you to customize the details according to your preferences.*

To download the table, click on the arrow button located on the right side of the screen above the table:

Wait for the file to download (when it comes to large files, this process may take a few minutes)

4. Once the loading process is complete, the file will be automatically downloaded to your computer. You can then use it at your convenience.

We suggest using Google Sheets to read the file (click here for a sheet import guide), although any other software you have, such as Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc, will work as well.

Within the file, you'll find a table presenting comprehensive data on donations and donors. While most tables share similarities, they may be arranged slightly differently. Here is some key columns in the most common type of table - NIS donations (PayMe):

Data Explanation עמודה
id Donation ID A
Transaction Date Donation Transaction Date B
Amount Donation Amount C
Releasable Amount Donation Amount Minus Fees D
Currency Donation Currency (USD, ILS, CAD, GBP) E
Target Name Campaign Name F
Target ID Campaign ID G
Main Event ID Main Campaign ID (Relevant for Ambassador Campaign) H
Team ID Ambassador Team ID (Relevant for Ambassador Campaign) I
Donor First Name Donor First Name J
Donor Last Name Donor Last Name K
Invoice Recipient Name Name on the Receipt L
Donor Email Donor Email M
Donor Phone Number Donor Phone Number N
Donor Israeli ID Donor Israeli ID O
Recurring Recurring (Yes/No) P
Recurring Months Recurring Months Q
Recurring Ends At Recurring End Date R
Payment Provider Funds Processed Through (JGive, Stripe, PayMe, Meshulam) S
Payment Method Payment Method (CreditCard, DAF, Wire, JCF, BIT, Check, Wallet) T
Payment Redirected Donations Redirected by JGive Fund (Consolidated on 20th of the month) U
Card Last 4 Last 4 Digits of Credit Card V
Card Brand Credit Card Company W
Processing Fee Processing Fee X
Market Fee Platform Fee Y
Transaction Fee Fixed Fee of 30 Agorot Z
Release Status Funds Transfer Status to the Organization's Bank Account AA
Released At Funds Transfer Date AB
Comment Donor Dedication/Comment on the Donation AC
Foreign Card Is it a Foreign Credit Card? (Yes/No) AD
Share Donor Details Did the Donor Choose to Share Their Details with the Organization? (Yes/No) AE
Receive Updates Does the Donor Want to Receive Updates from the Organization? (Yes/No) AF
Share Donor Name Did the Donor Choose to Share Their Name on the Site? (Yes/No) AG
Share Donation Amount Did the Donor Choose to Share the Donation Amount on the Site? (Yes/No) AH
Invoice Number Receipt Number AJ
Invoice Copy URL URL to Receipt Copy AI
Transaction Voucher Transaction Code from the Credit Card Company AK
Is Negative Is it a Refund? (Yes/No) AL
Chargeback Is it a Chargeback not Done by JGive (By the Customer/Credit Card Company)? AM
Refunded At Donation Refund Date AN
Withdrawal Code Withdrawal Code - a Unique Code Transferred to the Organization when it Receives Funds from the Credit Card Company AO
Withdrawal Date Date of Funds Transfer by the Clearing Company AP
Provider Payment ID Payment Provider ID AQ
Question 1 Question 1 (In the Donation Process) AR
Answer 1 Answer to Question 1 AS
Question 2 Question 2 (In the Donation Process) AT
Answer 2 Answer to Question 2 AU
Question 3 Question 3 (In the Donation Process) AV
Answer 3 Answer to Question 3 AW
Question 4 Question 4 (In the Donation Process) AX
Answer 4 Answer to Question 4 AY
Question 5 Question 5 (In the Donation Process) AZ
Answer 5 Answer to Question 5 BA
Question 6 Question 6 (In the Donation Process) BB
Answer 6 Answer to Question 6 BC
Purpose ID Purpose ID Chosen in the Donation Process (If Any) BD
Purpose Title Purpose Title Chosen in the Donation Process (If Any) BE
UTM Params UTM Parameters (If Any) BF
Is Embedded Is the Campaign Embedded? (Yes/No) BG
Donor Covered Fees Did the Donor Cover the Fees Instead of the Organization? (Yes/No) BH
Match Request ID Match Request ID by Employer/External Entity to the Organization BI
Match Request Status Donation Matching Status (Pending, Matched, Failed, Cancelled) BJ
Sent By Check Was the Donation Sent by Check? (Yes/No) BK

Kindly note that the file includes additional columns, and the order of these columns may change periodically.

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