If the authorized signatory that you defined as the contact person for financial matters during registration has been changed, an up-to-date protocol of authorized signatories signed by an attorney/CPA must be forwarded to support@jgive.com.
Also, the following details must be attached for one of the current signatories:
- Full name of authorized signatory
- A photocopy of the current ID card of the new signing authority
-ID number
-Date of birth
-date of issuance of identity cards
- Email address for sending updates on credit clearing.
These details will be sent directly to the clearing company, so we recommend in advance to write to us and the clearing company through which you are clearing (Payme or Meshulam company) in order to speed up the matter.
Support email address of the clearing company Payme - support@payme.io
Support email address of the clearing company Meshulam - tiful@grow.business